Fun, fun, fun

News and forthcoming events:

Please note: Venue change for the previously advertised World’s First Odour Art Festival at the Milton Rooms (see Malton Myopic advert). Due to popular demand the festival will now take place outdoors. This has the added advantage of reducing the danger of any accidental gas explosion.

New venue: the highway gullies on Wheelgate, Yorkersgate and Butcher Corner, Malton. Please wear appropriate clothing. Face masks are advised.

We would lke to apologise in advance that the sulphur dioxide levels are variable depending on the supply of Nutriox®, which is added to the well in the Yorkshire Water Sewage Pumping Station in Lascelles Lane, Old Malton, “to control septicity and avoid the creation of smell nuisance in or arising from the effluent” (Yorkshire Water) i.e. the regular stink of raw sewage in the middle of Malton.

Depending on the stocks of Nutriox® and the dosing regime at the time, we cannot guarantee the intensity of the smell on any given day. Keep an eye open for updates.

From the makers of Nutriox®: A”rotten egg” or “rotting cabbage” smell is the result of the absence of air and oxygen in the wastewater process. The absence of air and oxygen, known as anaerobic conditions, cause bacterial production of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and mercaptans, both of which are toxic and foul smelling gases. These unpleasant conditions spread and can be a source of complaints.

Introduction The Plan It’s not all bad Fun Fun Fun News

Lynda Beast and the Fortune Teller’s Caravan – the video!